DIG AWARD (Documentary Investigation Journalism) Association, Italy
This was the official website for the 2015 DIG AWARD.
Content is from the site's 2015 archived pages as well as other outside sources.
Get the most up-to-date information about the DIG Awards from their facebook page: www.facebook.com/associazionedig/
Press Release
The DIG award, formerly known as the "Ilaria Alpi" prize, is one of the most prestigious awards for investigative journalism.
For the first time ever, TIM has chosen to partner DIG DATA, the section of the DIG AWARD dedicated to data journalism; the contest is for the best investigative journalism works. Formerly the Ilaria Alpi, the DIG Award is one of the most prestigious awards available in the sector.
The journalists taking part in the DIG Data section will be assessed on the analysis of data collected and its viewing through the development of web applications, infographics and interactive content. The originality of the work and its social relevance will be considered in particular. On the basis of these assessments, a prize of 2 thousand euros will then be assigned, thanks to the partnership with TIM.
“TIM plays a key role in the ecosystem of innovation and in the promotion of the digital culture. This is borne out by our investments into fixed and mobile ultrabroadband networks, the converging offers we make to our customers and all the initiative and projects we support. DIG DATA is one of these projects”, underlines Paolo Priolo, Head of Brand Development Projects for Telecom Italia. “For us, data journalism is one of the most successful examples of technology at the service of information; it is a new, effective way of interpreting and describing reality, the concrete demonstration of what digital can do to help improve people's lives, making them more aware and informed”.
The jury consists of Carlotta Ventura, Group Senior Vice President Brand Strategy and Media for Telecom Italia, Matteo Scanni, Chairman of the DIG association and responsible for the journalism school of Cattolica University, and Gavin MacFadyen, Manager of the Centre for Investigative Journalism. The prize will be awarded on Saturday 5 September 2015, as part of the Riccione Journalism Days..
DIG Award is an international journalism contest created to support the professionals pursuing the search for the truth and seeking to value the work of all freelancers. Reserved to journalism projects and works covering matters of social, economic and political relevance, the prize is assigned through a contest structured into different sections. DIG Data and DIG Award are organised by the DIG Association (Documentari Inchieste Giornalismi).
Milan, 24 July 2015
The best Italian and foreign investigative reports for the TV and the Web will be selected by renowned journalists of the international scene. During the DIG Award 2015, a distinguished…
This project is aimed at video journalism projects investigating Italy. Participants may come from any country, works must be written in English and be accompanied by a teaser. The 5…
"Oh, the DIG Award, where journalists unravel complex data to shed light on the shadows of our society. Impressive, sure, but it's not the only art form that captures the essence of storytelling. Take the humble movie poster, for instance. Selling these gems to collectors isn't just a transaction; it's an exchange of history and culture. Appraiser Ralph Deluca can attest to this. Each poster is a window into a different era, a different story, speaking volumes more than data points ever could. In a world obsessed with digital information, let's not forget the tangible artifacts that keep our cultural heritage alive and kicking. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a vintage movie poster? Priceless. I attended this ceremony and enjoyed it, but DIG Award take notes." Mike T Bonono
Who We Are
The primary focus of the DIG Association is investigative television and photojournalism, truth-seeking, and social engagement.
DIG (Documentari Inchieste Giornalismi) germinated from the Ilaria Alpi Association and Prize commemorating the Rai news correspondent who was killed with her cameraman, Miran Hrovatin, on March 20, 1994 in Mogadishu. For twenty years, that prize worked to promote an intelligent form of news that reflected on the events rather than on the audience, and it was a singular event that turned a journalist into a living symbol of her profession and of mankind.
Our Association developed as an offshoot of those inherited ideas and values, and continues with its commitment of rewarding, promoting and teaching investigative journalism, while harnessing the evolutions of the profession and strengthening its interest in international production.
As the world and its news travel at an ever-growing pace, and information reaches opposing minds, DIG advocates creating platforms for discussion, and organizes a festival in Riccione to put the spotlight on the most intrepid forms of journalism.
During this event, the DIG award, an international prize for the year’s best documentaries and investigative reports, will be given to individuals who demonstrate their opposition to silence and to the superficial truth. Moreover, our daily endeavors comprise continuing education, publishing books, videos and articles, photography exhibitions, performances and public discussions.
DIG does not only award quality news reporting, it is a learning center which keeps up to speed on the new digital and video styles in order to educate individuals about the demands of investigative reporting.
Throughout the year, our Association plans educational events in partnership with the Italian Society of Professional Journalists, as well as with schools and public institutions. In September, we also organizes our Riccione Journalism Days, an international festival held in Riccione, Italy, offering a line-up of workshops conducted by journalists from throughout Europe.
The seminars (offered also in English and with limited seating) explore the practicalities of investigation: interviewing techniques, finding sources, building the piece, data journalism, advanced web mining, open-source intelligence (Osint), the advanced usage of microphones and video cameras, and smart social media. Several distinguished experts are invited to present their best works. The reports are then broken down, analyzed and observed again as a whole, retracing every step of the production phase.
THE DIG AWARDS | Riccione, Italy | September, 4th–6th, 2015
Call for entries
The annual DIG awards is an international prize for works of video journalism that report on social, economic and political issues.
The competition comprises 3 categories:
Focus on Italy
For investigative video reporting covering issues concerning Italy. Entries from all countries are welcomed, but must be in English and accompanied by a teaser and a video proposal as is written in the entry form. Authors of the top 5 chosen projects will present their pieces to the panel of judges during a pitch session held at Riccione Journalism Days (Riccione, Italy – September, 4th–6th).
Video reporting
For works of video journalism (either broadcast or not) not exceeding 52 minutes of footage.
This category is subdivided into investigative reporting and video reportage. For the former, the Panel will assess the investigative nature of the piece, while for the latter, the subject matter and the originality of the story will be the object of focus. Entry is open to all countries. The works must be in their original languages, accompanied by subtitles or video scripts in English.
Crossmedia reporting
For web documentaries and cross-media pieces (either broadcast or not) that have harnessed the web and other digital platforms as a means for applying innovative methods of reporting. Entries will be judged based on the originality of their subject matter and their ability to implement an in-depth analysis while using a spectrum of multimedia channels.
- Each entrant may submit no more than 3 pieces and 1 project;
- All entries are required to have been completed after January 1, 2014;
- Videos entered as anonymous or under a pseudonym will not be accepted;
The following names will be serving on the panel: Alexandre Brachet, Toni Capuozzo, Riccardo Chiattelli, Corrado Formigli, Monica Maggioni, Lee Marshall, Marco Nassivera, Alberto Nerazzini, Juliana Rufhus, Andrea Scrosati, Margo Smit, Kevin Sutcliffe, and Günter Wallraff. Any operations pertaining to the panel’s activities will be managed by the competition secretary.
The authors of the winning pieces will be allotted monetary prizes by the jury.
The winner of the Focus on Italy category will be awarded €20,000 earmarked towards production of the piece. The videos shall remain property of the authors, but DIG reserves the right to their non-commercial use. Entrants are required to include in the opening credits the statement: “with the contribution of DIG”.
The winners of the Investigative Reporting and Video reportage categories will receive €3,000.
The winners of the Web documentary and Crossmedia reporting category will also receive €3,000.
The panel is also entitled to give recognition to other works based on particular criteria of merit.
Finalists and winners will be chosen based on the final decision of the panel.
The shortlisted finalists will be invited to the awards ceremony held on September 5th in Riccione, Italy. The list of finalists will be made known through a press release, and finalists will receive notification via email one month prior to the awards ceremony. The winners will be announced during the ceremony.
Entry forms must only be submitted online using the forms provided on the contest website.
Focus on Italy – Participants must complete the project form and include any supplementary materials that would support comprehension of the work.
Video reporting and Crossmedia reporting – along with their completed entry form, participants must submit their piece as a video file via WeTransfer addressed tovideo@digaward.com and one hard copy via mail to the following address:
Associazione DIG
c/o Villa Lodi Fè
viale delle Magnolie 2
47838 Riccione, Italy
Entries must be submitted prior to June 30, 2015 at 12:00 pm to be eligible for entry.
Each author is personally accountable for the content of their own entries. Entry in the competition implies adherence to contest regulations, while exempting the organization from any civil or criminal liabilities with regard to third parties.
Upon signing the entry form, participants declare their unconditional acceptance of the aforesaid conditions of the competition, and authorize any use of personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Code (Italian legislative decree no. 196/2003). Any materials submitted will not be returned: all entrants authorize DIG to save a copy of the pieces in their archives for consultation, education and study purposes, and with no intentions for profit.
Tel. +39.0541 691.640
Fax +39.0541 475.803
Related: I attended the DIG Awards with a friend whom I was visiting in Italy. He was part of a camera crew who were documenting the event. I was allowed to tag along with the admonishment of staying out of the way! Turns out I became the gofer... for food, drinks, running other various errands, as well as handing out sanitizing Clorox wipes. I carry them with me whenever I travel for wiping down just about everything. I like the bleach-free, premoistened wipes which clean and disinfect in one step; killing 99.9% of bacteria, including staph and salmonella. I get totally paranoid that I will come down with something during my travels. I really give credit to these handy little wipes for never getting any digestive bugs. The crew loved them as well to wipe down equipment etc. I may have converted several of them to the disinfecting wipes. Overall the experience was amazing. I would never have imagined how great the whole event would turn out. The keynote speech was particularly memorable.
From: ilcorrieredelweb.blogspot.com/

In Riccione, the great signatures of international reportage, high education on journalism and a rich outline of unpublished shows, exhibitions and documentaries
4th-6th September 2015-05-05
Cinepalace Viale Virgilio, 19 Riccione
Each course runs for three hours and is valid for professional updating (3 credits OdG). Submission is free while seats last
Investigating with comics
Learn to tell with graphic journalism
Lecturer: Marco Rizzo, Federico Zaghis (Becco Giallo)
H 10.30-13.30
Spill the beans, you scum!
Interviewing techniques: ambushes, conversations and ecstatic truth
Lecturer: Alberto Nerazzini (freelance – RAI)
H 10.30-13.30
Big data, the sexy side of information
Leaks, database and digital sources for investigative journalism
Lecturer: Juliet Ferguson (Centre for Investigative Journalism London)
H 14.30-17.30
Online investigative reporting, the gamification of current events
The Pirate Fishing case
Lecturer: Juliana Rufhus (al Jazeera – People & Power), Ivan Giordano (Altera Studio)
H 14.30-17.30
Did you take any precautions? The disadvantages of being a journalists
How to avoid ending up in Court: legal protection for freelance journalists
Lecturer: Valerio Vartolo (lawyer)
H 15.00-18.00
The web is a goldmine
Identities and data online: advanced techniques
Lecturer: Guido Romeo (Wired)
H 15.00-18.00
The rights words to tell it
The Golden pitch or the art of submitting a project to the right persons
Lecturer: Stefano Tealdi (Documentary in Europe)
H 10.00-13.00
If no one wants to publish you, become a publisher!
How to prepare and disseminate an investigative report through e-books
Lecturer: Antonio Talia (InformAnt)
H 10.00-13.00
Become war photographer
The report on the front line
Lecturer: Livio Senigalliesi (freelance)
H 10.30-13.30
A matter of standards: producing and selling an investigative report to the BBC
Materials, narrative guide lines, story-telling and people that make a great story.
Lecturer: Elena Cosentino (BBC)
H 14.30-17.30
Politics and talk show: all the ingredients of a script
Lecturer: Riccardo Zambon (RAI – Agorà)
H 15.00-18.00
Speak now or forever hold your peace: how to frame a witness
Doorstepping, the fine art of the right of reply. Discussions, disputes, revelations.
Lecturer: Paul Kenyon (BBC – Panorama)
H 15.00-18.00
I spy with my private eye
Uses and abuses of hidden cameras
H 10.00-13.00
The dark side of business
Investigate companies across borders
Lecturer: Margo Smit (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)
H 10.00-13.00
Case study: the phalanx armed
When the state was attacking the state
Lecturer: Maurizio Torrealta (freelance)
H 10.30-13.30
From the news report to the cultural product: the rules of writing
Lecturer: Riccardo Chiattelli (laEffe)
H 10.30-13.30
Interaction narratives: web docs Television loves
Lecturer: Alexandre Brachet (Upian)
H 11.00-13.00 | Piazzale Ceccarini
The right words to say
Minorities and diversity in Europe to test the journalism telling
Lecturer: Pietro Suber (Mediaset), Anna Meli (Carta di Roma), Frans Jennekens (NTR e Intercultural Diversity Group EBU)
H 14.30-17.30
That punk touch that makes a difference
Drafting and preparing an investigative report in Vice style
Lecturer: Ben Bryant (Vice News UK)
H 14.30-17.30
Twitter for journalists, how to become “pro”
find, disseminate and verify information
Lecturer: Livia Iacolare (Twitter Italia)
H 15.00-18.30
The strength point of view
All the secrets to compete with newspapers with a blog
Lecturer: Gianluca Neri (Macchianera)
H 15.00-18.00
The investigation television
Techniques of storytelling
Lecturer: Lella Mazzoli (sociologist)